5 Podcasts That Inspire Creativity


I feel like we’ve gotten to the point where we can no longer listen to podcasts leisurely on a long road trip (think of Serial when you first heard it, or any number of mysteries solved over many, many episodes) if we are entrepreneurs of any kind. It feels as if we need to now use every spare moment to hone our skills, refine our brand, develop new funnels, join mastermind groups and listen to seven marketing podcasts a week just to stay current.

I feel that pressure and I actively try to ignore it and intuitively find my way to podcasts that tell me a great story (I love a good story unfolding over long drive up to SF!) and that inspire me. Because ultimately, any company you launch requires you to be a great storyteller and very creative in how you approach nearly every aspect of your business.

These five podcasts have been inspiring me lately, so I thought I’d share:

  • Creative Mornings – I remember going to my first CreativeMornings talk in downtown LA years ago and feeling as if I’d found my people. I had perceived the community to be small then, accessible. I had just started my own agency and I had unconventional hours and needed to connect with creatives who could help deliver for my clients. I loved those talks and I love this collection of talks from people I greatly admire. Worth your time – even if you cherry pick episodes based on topic or speaker.

  • 99% Invisible – Every. Single. Episode. Teaches me something I had no idea I didn’t know. Not all of the information is necessary to run your business or nab your next client, but it is pretty amazing how many things are part of our daily lives that we simply take for granted. But someone, at a specific time and for a specific reason, made the thing you pass every day on your way to work or the thing you take for granted as “just part of life.” And it’s kind of incredible to understand the story behind those things.

  • Bookworm – I was a lit major (which so many of you don’t know) and for a long time, I was a book blogger and covered “all things bookish” in LA for LAist. I’ve always been a writer and I always will be at heart. I find writers discussing their novels to be fascinating – from the conception of characters and plot structure to what shaped them as artists. Michael Silverblatt drives me a little nuts most of the time, and this is less of a podcast/more of a show, and this may feel far afield as a podcast for inspiring creativity in your business,but I always find myself thinking about things differently after an episode.

  • Smart People Podcast – I love to pick episodes that interest me, but mostly I love to listen in order because I end up listening to a speaker about a topic that I never would have sought out and it opens up my thinking in an entirely new way.

  • Heroine – I was only recent introduced to this podcast so I’ve been devouring the episodes. They are all women and all inspiring. Their stories of circuitous career trajectories and how they handle creative blocks and how they’ve learned to become leaders are powerful and inspiring. The interviews are with women I admire greatly – some of whom I’ve even worked with. I can’t recommend this one enough. Truly.

I hope these inspire you and help get you out of feeling like you have to listen to umpteen million “professional” podcasts so you can be a proper founder. Would also love to hear what you’re listening to and how it inspires your work.


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