What You Want is Already Here

Have you ever caught yourself thinking "if only I could have xyz, everything would be better?

Other versions of this can look like:
​I don't have the confidence I need.
I don't have the freedom I need.
I don't have the support I need.
I don't have the money I need.
I don't have the time I need.

You get the idea:
I don't have xyz.
And I need it.
And I really, really want It.

But here's the challenge: this "I don't have" self-talk can limit your vision for what's possible.
It can literally keep you stuck in a loop -- a loop that probably feels very familiar. 

The best way to unblock yourself and start thinking creatively about how to bring in what you desire is to notice where in your life you already have the very things you seek.

Because...they already exist in your life.

It sounds counterintuitive.
It sounds too woo to work in business.

But itdoeswork because it immediately shifts your perspective and allows you to operate from a different level of "I have what I need and can create more of what I need."

Try It.

If you want more confidence, what recent moment showed you the confidence you already possess? If you want more time, where in your schedule do you already have pockets of time? If you want more support, where do you already have it? What does that look like? Feel like? If you want more money, where in your life do you currently have money? How did it come in? What does that feel like?

And then? 
After you've noticed where you already have a version of these things in your life?

So grateful for the support.
So grateful for the time.
So grateful for the $$$.
So grateful for seeing I do possess confidence in areas of my life.

This literally changes the neural pathways in our brain (really! it's science!) to begin seeing opportunity everywhere instead of noticing what's missing. 

This shifts EVERYTHING.

Don't just take my word for it.
Try this as a daily practice for a week.

What am I wanting?
Where do I already have It?
So grateful It already exists in my life in some form.
Wow, look at me go.

You will be amazed at what opportunities, possibilities and creative solutions show up for you.

Let me know how it goes!

If you want to truly master your own business so you have unshakeable confidence in your next steps, JOIN THE SHIFT. In this program, you will fundamentally change your relationship with yourself and your business and leave with power, clarity, revenue, confidence and ease to take your business to the next level and FINALLY start running your business in a way that has always best best to YOU.

And payment plans were just added for those of you who asked!

You and your business will never be the same.


How Do You Build a Business that Feels Really Good to YOU?


Acceptance As Fuel for Your Next Stage of Growth