90-Days to Unshakeable Confidence in Your Business
What would it feel like to stop struggling to grow your business & to trust every decision you make?
Do you feel overwhelmed and uncertain with your business and don’t know what should come next?
Have you hired consultant after consultant and not gotten the results you desired?
Has your monthly revenue hit a plateau and you aren’t sure what to do?
Do you feel stuck in your business and in your life?
Have you built a thriving business but it is no longer serving you and you need to re-align so your work and life feel good again?
Have you purchased courses to help you follow a set plan or a set program to “fix” what’s wrong in your business and they haven’t worked?
Do you know where to focus your time for maximum results that deliver the most revenue and also free you up to focus on other parts of your business so you can create a life that feels really juicy and good instead of stressful, overwhelming and full of uncertainty?
Are you about to make some very big moves - launch a new product, shift into a new space, target a new audience, hire a sales team - and need guidance from someone who's been in your shoes and figured it all out?
Most importantly, do you know what would feel best to YOU in your business? NO matter what anyone else thinks?
I spent years working at a pace and on a schedule that didn’t suit me because that’s what all the “experts” encouraged.
I said yes to things in my business that didn’t feel quite right to me but that everyone assured me would lead to success.
I followed the “formula” from every famous coach and speaker to achieve the very success they achieved. None of it worked.
I spent years feeling deeply embarrassed and crummy - why is it working for them and not me? Why can’t I do this?
And I’ve seen it with my own clients - that desire to follow the “proven way” to do something because expert xyz says it’s the only way that works.
After thirty years of working with every kind of client and every kind of business, here’s what’s actually true: the only way it works is if you build a business that actually works for YOU.
No secret sauce.
No special formula.
No shoulds, musts, youhavetos.
Just YOU learning YOU and building your business from there.
Let this be the year you learn to TRUST YOURSELF in every aspect of your business (and life!).
Let this be the year you finally tap into your unique YOU-ness and soar.
Let this be the year doubt is met with confidence in every choice.
We begin March 15th.
Are you in?
Finally do it YOUR way.
Many programs teach you how to do things using a certain formula that has worked for them, but no program helps you understand what will work for YOU. Invest in a program that invests in YOU.
What You’ll Learn
Month One - Build Trust in YOU
This month is all about discovery. We will create powerful Ideal Scenes that will guide our work together for the next 90-days. We will explore new tools and approaches to help you better understand how you are wired and what ways of working and being might suit you best so you can drop the rest.
You will begin to more deeply trust yourself and your own knowing. You will know not just that you are different, but how so you can embrace it and do things that feel best to you. You will work with your strengths and delegate the rest. You will do less and be more effective.
At the end of this month, you will feel so free to unapologetically do YOU in your life and your business.
In this month you will get:
-Ideal Scene for next 90 days
-Master Core Values Guide
-How to Trust Yourself Roadmap
-Expert lecture on Human Design & Enneagram Types
-Your Ideal Way of Being Workshop
-Weekly 90-minute group sessions
-Laser coaching during group sessions
-Detailed guide with every resource & exercise
-Private Instagram community support with daily prompts & peer connection
-Private one-on-one 90-minute coaching session with me
Month Two - Build Trust in Your Business
Now that we have learned YOU, we learn YOUR Business. What is working in your business? What’s not? We peek under the hood and hold all the things up to the light — without judgement — with an eye to shifting and moving the pieces and parts to accommodate what will feel best to YOU.
We will look at analytics, marketing, pricing, margins, processes, revenue, growth, customers, PR - you name it, we’ll examine it.
By the end of this month, you’ll arrive at a way of working and being that will lead to growth in your business because it will be designed around YOU.
In this month you will get:
-Custom 90-Day Roadmap to Success in YOUR Business
-Analytics deep-dive
-Pricing, Profit & Process Workshop
-Marketing & PR for Busy Entrepreneurs Workshop
-Weekly 90-minute group sessions
-Laser coaching during group sessions
-Detailed guide with every resource & exercise
-Private Instagram community support with daily prompts & peer connection
Month Three - Make It Happen
Implementation Month! This is where you begin to shift your business and your life to serve both you and your customers. We take everything we’ve learned in the first two months and start walking before we run. You will begin making changes while still in this program so you have the utmost support.
From the work done in the previous weeks, you will implement changes in your business. We will get to see how well it works. We will get real-time data and actual customer feedback and you’ll be supported the entire way in how to gather that data, glean insights from that data, and adjust as needed. All while you are in the safe, supportive container of this program.
In this month, you’ll master the YOU tools to use over and over again for the rest of your life.
In this month you will get:
-Launching Your MVP & Loving It Guide
-Overcoming the Fear of Launching the Thing Workshop
-Real-world data on your product or service launched this month
-How to Fix What’s Not Working Guide
-Real-world adjustments/tweaks in real-time with my support
-Weekly 90-minute group sessions
-Laser coaching during group sessions
-Detailed guide with every resource & exercise
-Private Instagram community support with daily prompts & peer connection
How It Works
Weekly group calls led by me over the course of twelve weeks
Expert guest speakers to deepen key topics and provide additional insight
Email access to me for ongoing support as needed throughout the program
Private Instagram Group access for daily prompts, connection and support
Weekly group calls meet every Wednesday from 10am - 11:30am PST
Each week, we move through topics via study guide, exercises, live discussion, and laser coaching on calls
All live sessions are recorded and a link is sent via email 24 hrs after sessions are complete so you don’t miss anything!
This program is perfect for you if:
You are about to launch a new offering and feel a little lost
You feel stuck in your business and need to shake it all loose to re-focus
You are working harder than you want to while not making the revenue you’d like to
You have questions (so many questions!) about how to navigate growth in your business and need help
You aren’t quite sure what parts of your business are working for you and which ones are holding you back
You want your business and your life to start feeling a lot more aligned so your work and your life feel like YOU
Program Includes:
90-minute weekly group calls
Laser coaching during group calls
Weekly guides & email support
Support in private Instagram community
90-minute private coaching session