Callie Miller - Business Coach

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How Do You Build a Business that Feels Really Good to YOU?

I’ve been working with clients for decades at this point and the tools I use with them have become so second nature to me that I sometimes forget how valuable they might be to others who aren’t in private coaching with me.

Every time I begin work with a client, I have them move through a few key exercises and tools to ensure they are approaching our work together with clarity and purpose. That is how these tools began - clarity and purpose in your business to set a foundation for our coaching work together. Yet, they’ve become so much more…they’ve become a resource my clients use over and over again anytime they feel out of alignment in their businesses.

How can this happen? Easily. So often we begin a business not because we love running a business but because we love the thing we’ve decided to make or offer. We want to serve. Create beauty. Deliver function. It is the rare entrepreneur who loves the business side of things — accounting and marketing and HR — as much as they love the products they make and the services they offer. This leaves room for us to work, work, work on the things we love only to look up one day (or once a year) and realize “Hmmm, this is not what I wanted for myself. I need to adjust a few things.”

Whenever you are feeling that particular thing — that out of alignment thing - where you business no longer feels quite the way you’d like and you can’t sort why, The Alignment Audit is your go-to set of tools to help you unpack it and find a way forward that feels fully in alignment with who you really are and how you want your business to feel.

The Alignment Audit is your chance to reflect, realign, and reignite your passion for your business. These are the very tools I share with my clients every year to continually be sure they are operating from a place that feels fully aligned, fully them.