What Holds Us Back

I work with a lot of powerful women building incredible businesses.
I've done so for over twenty years.
I've helped them dramatically increase their revenue.
I've helped them shift the way their businesses work so their lives work.

But no matter how many goals we reach,
no matter how much revenue comes in,
no matter how many new clients sign,
no matter how many units sell,
if they don't heal their core stories,
none of it feels good.

And not only does it not feel good, operating out of these old stories holds them back.
They make decisions from within these old beliefs they hold about themselves.
They aren't seeing the business clearly, because they aren't seeing themselves clearly.

And what happens then?
They hesitate, they equivocate.
They second-guess themselves.
They self-sabotage.

Just at the moment of big decisions, big launches, clear success around the corner,
they unconsciously throw up huge obstacles and distractions that halt their progress and limit their success. Which places them back in the old familiar, comfortable stories of "see, this can't work for me."

I am a business coach, yes. Most of the time that looks like guidance in your business.
But sometimes (usually just before a moment of great success) an old pattern appears.
An old way of operating or a long-held belief about your own worth can block our work together. And so sometimes the most vital work we do together is unpacking those old stories without any judgement and healing them at the root.

Being an entrepreneur isn't just about building a business.
It's about figuring out who you really are, what you want, and what you need.

Being an entrepreneur is INSIDE --> OUTSIDE work.
And you deserve a business partner who can skillfully guide you through both.

If you are feeling the need for this kind of support -- real business strategy and guidance coupled with inner work when needed -- my 90-day program for helping you get unstuck and get to the next level in your business is open again for the first time in over a year.

A beautiful place to begin...


Systems Are Your Friend


Small Business Smarts for Challenging Times: Know Your Funnels - Part Two